Nigerian men are generally fashion conscious, no doubt. This is particularly true irrespective of their age, religion or occupation. To express this deep sense of fashion thus, men and guys in Nigeria have taken to traditional attires and wear it with an elegance and majesty that is rare to find beyond the shores of the country.
This display of native variety by Nigerian men is common during religious gatherings, political meetings, birthday celebrations, marriage feasts and even conventional formal settings that permit it.
Nigerian Men’s Fashion Catalogue
If you’re a Nigerian man or guy and are interested in Nigerian men’s fashion catalogue (to ensure that you ‘shine’ and ‘blaze’), this article will certainly give you what you (truly) want.
However, before we proceed, a little enlightenment.
Why Do Nigerian Men Prefer Native Attire To Foreign (Western) Designs?
A few years back, native attires were the exclusive reserve of old men and the elderly ones. Those days they were called Buba and Sokoto among the Yorubas
However, today, it is rare to find young and middle aged men whose wardrobes are devoid of native pieces. This is true and applies to even the regular professionals who dress in western fashion most of their working days.
So, what really has made native attires more attractive to Nigerian men and guys (as compared to western fashion) today?
They reasons are listed below:
- Native attires can easily be sewn with a fabric or material that pleases one – a reality that is difficult to achieve with Western wears.
- Nigerian fashion designers are better at sewing native attires and get it right almost all the time. This cannot be said of most Western fashion pieces.
- Most events in Nigeria ‘dictate’ that native attires are worn – irrespective of one’s age. Good examples include birthdays, traditional marriages and naming ceremonies.
- Finally, native attires contain various body shapes and sizes better than western designs. This is especially true of body sizes that mean a pot belly or skinny legs J
Now that we’ve seen why native attires are popular with Nigerian men irrespective of their age, let’s now turn our attention to the various styles currently available to the Nigerian gentleman who wants to go native.
Nigerian Men’s Fashion: Senator Style
The Senator Style is a native attire that was popularized by Senator Pious Anyim – a former Senator of the upper legislative house and its President when he was a member of that house.
This native style is made from bold, strong suit material and has the shirt extending up to the knees with little or no embroidery. The trouser is usually made in a manner that matches the material used for the shirt.
Sewn in either long or short sleeves, this native style is plain, simple, powerful and importantly, has been adopted and is worn by men and guys all over Nigeria.
Standard accessories that make this style exceptional include smart, distinguished shoes, a bold wrist watch to match and if one is in the mood, sunglasses.
Click here to also view: Latest Ankara Styles for Men
>>> See more Senator styles here
Nigerian Men’s Fashion: Atiku Native Style
Atiku Native Styles are a variety of native attires sewn in a simple and smart manner with most styles actually finished in a body fitting manner.
These styles closely resemble the Senator Native Style above but are distinguished by the fact that it mostly rendered in short sleeves, though long sleeve variants are not completely absent.
Further, the Atiku Native Styles are light on embroidery and emphasize simplicity and elegance above all else.
Designers who are into this native piece render it often in navy blue, black or white, taking pains that the same material and fashion deployed on the tunic outside is the same with the matching trouser that makes the design complete.
This native attire can be worn with a cap if one chooses but equally looks great on any wearer without a cap on.
>>> See more Atiku styles here
Nigerian Men’s Fashion: Agbada
Agbada is a large, overflowing native gown that reaches well below the knees and sometimes reaches the ankles.
It is worn mainly by men and for it to remain on the body of the wearer; it needs constant adjustments that ensure ‘folds’ on the shoulder on the wearer don’t fall off. These folds and the manner they are maintained to keep the Agbada in place has given rise to the nickname, one thousand five hundred.
Usually sewn with a matching full length trouser, the Agbada traditional wear can be sewn brilliantly just any material one finds though, single colored expensive materials work best for this style.
To complement the design, men wearing the Agbada design are required to also wear a fitting native cap and shoes – if they are to stand out and look ‘responsible’ while going native.
Nigerian Men’s Fashion: Kaftan
The Kaftan is a long loose native tunic that stretches below the knees and in some cases, reaches the ankles. This dress type (unlike the Agbada mentioned above) fits better and does not require constant adjustments to sit in place on one’s body when worn.
The Kaftan native attire is usually rendered in long sleeve form and usually has a trouser of same material to match.
Though a cap makes the attire fit better, it is not mandatory and many wearers appear wonderful without one.
Further, it is customary to wear the Kaftan with an ‘easy wear’ though casual shoes also work great when used with the attire.
See More Agbada Styles for men
>>> See more Agbada styles here
Nigerian Men’s Fashion: Dashiki
The Dashiki is sewn and designed like the Agbada mentioned above. However, the primary difference is its length (which never flows past the thighs); the fact that it has no ‘overflow’ that goes on the shoulders and importantly, it comes designed with two prominent pockets in front of it (instead of the sides as is obtainable in the case of Agbada).
The Dashiki is primarily designed and sewn with a matching full length trouser though some designs, at the moment, simply make do with a pair of shorts.
The Dashiki is worn with a cap or without depending on one’s preference or state of mind.
Further, shoes are optional when contemplating this traditional attire as it works well with either a pair of shoes or any other foot wear for that matter.
>>> See more Dashiki styles here
Wrap Up
Going native as a man or guy in Nigeria has never been easier than now: this is because, this genre of dressing has received massive social support and importantly, local tailors and designers have mastered the various styles and designs and render them with both detail and precision.
Which is your favourite native design and why is it your favourite? Let’s discuss via the comments below!